Friday, December 31, 2021

Chief Justice John Roberts - 2021 Year end report on the judiciary

Chief Justice John Roberts has released the year end report on the state of the Federal Judiciary.  He discusses the role of former President and then Chief Justice William Howard Taft.  Though he is not my cup of tea I do think that we would be much better off with former politicians than with former law professors and judges vetted by the Federalist Society.
His message to Congress: keep your hands off. - GWC
 As Chief Justice, Taft took vital steps to ensure that the Judicial Branch itself could take the lead in fulfilling that duty. The Congress of his era appreciated the Judiciary’s need for independence in our system of separate and co-equal branches, and it provided a sound structure for self-governance. Since that time, the Judicial Conference has been an enduring success. It is up to the task of addressing the three topics I have highlighted, as well as the many other issues on its agenda. The centennial of the Judicial Conference this year represents 100 years of progress, and the Judiciary should be proud of its accomplish-

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