Echtralex - parallel PRC texts 中文-英文
Echtralex - Dictionary of current events
David Cowhig: Chinese Language Study Tools
Chinese Podcasts Hacking Chinese
Slow Chinese Vocabulary Database
National People's Congress
Laws of the People's Republic of China - English
Xin He - The Chinese Judicial System (ebook- Oxford)
NPC - official English translation (for reference only)
Yang Lixin SPP:
King & Wood - Defamation and Privacy
NPC - Suggestions and Proposals - Pekingnology
SPC - Chinese legal history
by Susan Finder - Supreme People's Court Monitor
Supreme People's Court
David Cowhig, translator - Types of
Legal research sites
Translation Resources
Translation Resources
Gathered by Doug Clark
Peking University law
Chinalaw translate’s glossary and links to other resources;
As cited by He Fan:
translations by Chinalawinfo and WoltersKluwer;
Taiwan’s Judicial Yuan’s bilingual legal glossary;
a glossary of translation of government institutions issued by the Beijing government;
Shanghai government’s glossary;
Shenzhen government’s glossary;
Analysis by foreign scholars.
HSK as a learning guide? Hacking ChineseLaws of the People's Republic of China (AsianLL)
Ministry of Commerce - Laws
NPC issues Draft Laws for Discussion
General principles of civil law
Water Pollution and Control Law
E-Commerce Law
Guiding cases
- Supreme People’s Court Monitor. A blog created by Susan Finder, observing the Supreme People’s Court.
- NPC Observer
- China Law Discussion List. A discussion list hosted by Professor Donald C. Clarke at George Washington University Law School.
- China Politics and Law ListServ. A listServ focusing on China’s civil society and law, hosted by Professor Karla Simon.
- China Law ProfBlog. A Member of the Law Professor Blogs Network, edited by Professor Donald C. Clarke at George Washington University Law School.
- China Law & Policy. A blog created and edited by Elizabeth M. Lynch.
- China File. A real time discussion on China news from Asia Society.
- China Brief. A journal of analysis and information by Jamestown Foundation.
- China Law Blog. A business law blog from the perspective of practice and edited by Dan Harris and Steve Dickinson.
- CHINA IPR. An IP law blog published by Mark Allen Cohen, visiting professor at Fordham Law School.
- China Copyright and Media. Provides insight on Chinese law and policy regarding public communication. Edited by Rogier Creemers.
- Chinadialogue. (中外对话) A Chinese/English website by (NGO) discussing environmental issues in China.
- PKU Law
Government of China
Government of China - English portal
PRC State Council legislative affairs office
Procurators Suggestion Power Regulations
Family planning white paper - State Council 1995
Laws - English NPC
PKU Law 北大法宝
Translation Archive - China Law Translate
China Law Translate
Getting Started Video
Chinese Human Rights Defenders -
Joint Analysis of the Measures on the Administration of Law Firms and Administrative Measures for the Practice of Law by Lawyers of the People’s Republic of China
Legal Education
China Scholarship Council
Phonology Wikipedia
Pronunciation guide ChinesePod
Legal Glossary
Bilingual Laws Information System - Hong Kong Department of Justice
UVM tools
Mandarin Chinese Phonetics - Patrick Hassel Zein
Slow Chinese
MDBG Dictionary
Growing Up With Chinese
Slow Chinese
Characters - a radical view
Why Chinese is so damned hard
Fluent in Three Months
Hacking Chinese
Marco Polo Project
Sinosplice - John Pasden
AllSet Chinese GrammarWiki
Tiger Speech Recognition test
Peggy Teaches Chinese
Study More Chinese
China Books
Language Log
xiao3jie3 - how (not) to address a woman
50 Essential Chengyu
HSK 汉语水平考试
HSK - Chinese Proficiency Test
China Education Center Study HSK
BYU HSK Center
HSK Practice Materials - China Education Center, Ltd.
Level 3 Vocabulary list
Level 3 vocabulary (Learn More Chinese)
Level 4 Vocabulary
Level 4 Flashcards - quizlet
Audio app level 4 Lingomi
Study Chinese Flashcards
Chinese punctuation guide
Skritter - Finding suitable Chinese reading material for your level
UVA - Chinese Reading World
Database of Laws & Regulations
Discussion Draft Civil Code (April 20, 2015)
Civil Procedure Law (amended 2012, eff. 1/1/13)
WIPO - old and new
Environmental Protection Law ( 2014)
Foreign NGO Law
Lawinfo china
Supreme Peoples Court - English website
Regulations on Evidence in Civil Cases
SPC on Consumer Protection law Public Interest Cases
Procedures regarding wrongfully decided cases
Publication of judgments on the Internet - Supreme Peoples Court November 13, 2013
Supreme People’s Court Regulations concerning Some Questions of Applicable Law in Handing Civil Dispute Cases involving the Use of Information Networks to Harm Personal Rights and Interests (ChinaCopyright and Media - Rogier Creemers)
Title: Provisions on Network Publication Services Administration
Promulgating Entities:--State Administration of Press, Publication, Film, Radio and Television and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Reference number:
Promulgation Date: 2016-2-4
2014 SPC Regulations on Civil Cases of Internet Torts have been translated into English.
Crowd-source translation: China Law Translate: SPC Regulations 2014
SPC Statement of Environmental Policy - June 2, 2016
National Development & Reform Commission
Notice - management of attorneys fees
Civil Procedure Law (amended 2012)
Environmental Protection Law (amended
Maritime Traffic Safety Law
Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China (1993)
Tort Law (2009)
Tort Law - WIPO translation
2014 internet torts SPC Rules2014
Litigation Costs
from (official)
1. Civil Procedure Law
2. Evidence - Certain Regulations in Civil Lawsuits - Supreme People's Court
3. Time Limits on submission of proofs - Notice by Supreme Court
4. Time limits - Regulations of Supreme Court
最高人民法院关于审理民事案件适用诉讼Period 制度若干问题的规定
5. Civil Litigation Documents, Sample Documents of Supreme Court
Stanford Guiding Cases Project
Lehmann, Lee & Xu
White Paper (State Council) 2008 Rule of Law
White paper (State Council) 2011 The Socialist Legal system with Chinese Characteristics
Tort Law
A New Tort Code Emerges in China, George Conk, 30 Fordham International Law Journal 935 (2007)
1st Discusssion Draft- PRC Tort Code: translated by George Conk
2d Discussion Draft - PRC Tort Code translated by George Conk & Wang Zhu
A translation of the Tort Law adopted in 2009
Text of PRC Tort Law 2009
Another translation
Beijing Law Review
Road traffic safety law - English
Road traffic safety law Chinese
Road Traffic Safety booklet
Tang Spirit Network
China: Traditions and Transformations
Peter K. Bol, PhD, Charles H. Carswell Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University.
William C. Kirby, PhD, T. M. Chang Professor of China Studies, Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, and Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor.
Daniel Lapres - webliography
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