Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ferguson Documents: How The Grand Jury Reached A Decision : The Two-Way : NPR

Ferguson Documents: How The Grand Jury Reached A Decision : The Two-Way : NPR:

The NPR story has links to key documents.  I find the Darren Wilson story implausible.  I don't believe that Michael Brown was attacking after the first shot was fired.  Just too unlikely. I am willing to assume that it started with Brown blowing Wilson off with an "F,,U" or the like.  But I don't believe the initial scenario - that Brown was first to use force - by closing the patrol car door on Wilson.  

The key witness #14 is led down the path by a police interrogator who is obviously setting up Wilson's defense.  Which doesn't mean it's true or untrue - just that the bias is noteworthy.

Wilson, on the other hand, is very well prepared as a witness, e.g. he recites all his options - mace (not armed), flashlight not available", same for club, Brown goes for the gun.  Really? from outside the car?

I am put off too by 6' 4" Wilson's `Hulk Hogan vs. five year old' depiction, and the demon charging the bullets as B.S. or the product of racist assumptions,

Finally it is not the job of the Grand Jury to separate "fact from fiction".  It is the job of the Grand Jury to find the existence of probable cause.  If two sides emerge from the facts there should be an indictment.  Wilson under competent cross examination would have been a very different witness than the one at a Grand Jury love-in.

'via Blog this'

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