Friday, March 22, 2013

Widener Law must defend misrepresentation claim by grads: District Judge

Widener Law School stated publicly:
f. “Graduates of the Class of 2010 had a 93% employment/advanced degree rate within nine months of graduation.” 

Eight graduates claim that they relied on such representations in their decisions to choose Widener for law school.  But they now know that the statistics were overstated in a misleading nd harmful way.  In Harnish v. Widener Senior Judge William Walls, U.S.D.J. (DNJ) denied the law school's FRCP 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss, saying:

The study of law is the learning of a profession. Widener’s website promotes a professional school. Its function is to persuade a prospective law student to attend Widener in order to receive a degree in law. The employment rate was disseminated to third-party evaluators to establish Widener’s standing among law schools. Within this context, it is not implausible that a prospective law student making the choice of whether or which law school to attend, would believe that the employment rate referred to law related employment .
The case was allowed to proceed under both the New Jersey and Delaware Consumer Fraud acts.

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