Friday, May 31, 2019
Rudy Giuliani's racist rants
57 notable quotables fro the Mueller report
How to winthe impeachment fight ~ Dan Pfeiffer
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Mueller’s Message: The Obstruction That Nearly Halted Criminal Case Against Russians - Just Security
Mueller’s Message: The Obstruction That Nearly Halted Criminal Case Against Russians - Just Security: "Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s statement on Wednesday may reset the conversation about his investigation’s findings, and how Congress and the American public move forward from here. In deciding what points of the over 400-page document to highlight in under 10 minutes, Mueller gave Congress and the American public advice: Focus on the significance of two interlocking pieces...."
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
HowCongress crippled Andrew Johnson ~ David Priess
For the first time in the history of our country,” wrote the New York Independent, “the people have been witness to the mortifying spectacle of the president going from town to town, accompanied by the prominent members of the Cabinet, on an electioneering raid, denouncing his opponents, bandying epithets with men in the crowd, and praising himself and his policies. Such a humiliating exhibition has never before been seen, nor anything even approaching to it."
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
How Impeachment Proceedings Would Strengthen Congress’s Investigatory Powers - Just Security

Michael Stern - a former counsel
to the U.S. House of Representatives
Nancy Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership should heed this well stated - and quite conventional - analysis by a former Senior Counsel to the House! Stern lays out a basic proposition: there is no font of power deeper than the House's exclusive power to define and charge an officer of the United States with a "high crime and misdemeanor". The United States Supreme Court, like the Senate as both are currently constituted, is presumptively strongly inclined to protect the President. The oversight and law-making power cannot, in this array, be counted on as sufficient to support the subpoenae and other investigatory steps the House has begun. - gwc
How Impeachment Proceedings Would Strengthen Congress’s Investigatory Powers - Just Security: By Michael Stern [former Senior Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives (1996-2004)]
Where does Trump get his odd ideas? Jonanthan Bernstein ~ Bloomberg
Monday, May 27, 2019
‘Ship of Horror’: Discovery of the Last Slave Ship to America Brings New Hope to an Old Community - The New York Times
Saturday, May 25, 2019
End forced arbitration ~ Economic Policy Institute report
The forced arbitration epidemic ~EPI report
Friday, May 24, 2019
Yale Law Dean defends theory/activist law school education
"At its best, a J.D. is a thinking degree, a problem-solving degree, a leadership degree. Lawyering is a job that requires an enormous number of skills and literacies. You must possess a supple mind and sound judgment. You need to have institutional sense and sharp analytics. You must be literate and numerate. You must be able to distill an unruly, messy set of materials into a coherent form. You must question everything, especially your own priors. You must possess enough critical distance to evaluate a situation but enough human empathy to understand it. Your education must be rigorous enough to breed humility rather than hubris."Heather Gerken, Dean - Yale Law SchoolResisting the Theory/Practice Divide, Harvard Law Review Forum, June 2019
I thoroughly agree. In the fall of 1970 - my first semester of law school at Rutgers-Newark - I was part of a group of students reviewing the transcript of the Chicago 7 trial. I wrote a point in the brief on appeal, which was the work of Arthur Kinoy who soon blocked unlawful FBI surveillance, leading to the FISA court. In my second semester Ruth Ginsburg laid out her vision for the years ahead. Paul Trachtenberg set in motion the landmark educational equity jurisprudence of the New Jersey Supreme Court. I could go on ...and I have in the pages of the Fordham Urban Law Journal which published my essay People's Electric -Engaged Legal Education at Rutgers-Newark in the 1960's and 1970's. - gwc
'Democracy has been hijacked by white men': how minority rule now grips America
'Democracy has been hijacked by white men': how minority rule now grips America
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Trump’s Palestine Investment Conference Is a Cynical Farce - Bloomberg
Trump’s Palestine Investment Conference Is a Cynical Farce - Bloomberg:
by Hussein Ibish
It's hard to imagine a more pointless exercise than a Palestinian investment conference without Palestinians. Talk about staging Hamlet without the prince! But that's exactly what the Trump administration is cooking up, to be held June 25-26 in Bahrain. And it's emblematic of the predetermined, intentional failure of its approach to brokering Israeli-Palestinian peace. The "Peace to Prosperity" workshop on investing mainly in Palestinian areas under Israeli occupation is meant to unveil the economic component of the U.S. peace plan, leaving political issues for later. U.S. officials say they hope for up to $68 billion in pledges***
James Carroll`s call to abolish the priesthood is misguided ~
Michael Sean Winters lambasts James Carroll's call to abolish the priesthood. Carroll has long idealized the early Church and disparaged the Church triumphant. I'm a bit of both.
But to me the Catholic Church remains the most valuable organization in the world.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
A.G. William Barr's defiant address at ALI Annual Meeting
Attorney General Barr sees a converse problem: single judges blocking a President's signature policies. - gwc
At American Law Institute Annual Meeting William Barr, A.G. denounces issuance of nationwide injunctions by District Judges
***This saga highlights a number of troubling consequences of the rise of nationwide injunctions:
Monday, May 20, 2019
Sunday, May 19, 2019
How China's Supreme Court Governs: Chinese judicial documents (1) | Supreme People's Court Monitor
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Judicial documents published by the Supreme Peoples Court |
Press commentary on China's legal system in the U.S. focuses on a handful of contentious or problematic issues: such as the growing power of the President Xi Jinping, the Sinicization campaign in Xinjiang, or disputes regarding intellectual property and industrial espionage. But there is an important but much less attention getting development of the Chinese legal system which can be understood only by a more granular look. Fortunately we have Susan Finder's Supreme Peoples Court Monitor, and the NPC Observer which follows legislative activity.
In the U.S. we focus on the courts as expositors of statutory developments, and broad principles. But China's Supreme Court does much of its work via administrative directives and policy statements to effectuate national policy. There is a wide variety of such documents - interpretations, rules, notices, guiding cases, etc. These are part of an increasingly transparent system in which thousands of decisions by lower courts can be found online. None of this should be understood as exercises of the judicial independence to which we aspire (and sometimes get). Rather they are expressly forms of policy implementation designed to increase the effectiveness of government in an authoritarian rule of law regime.
Susan Finder discusses some of the mechanisms in this new post. - gwc
Chinese judicial documents (1) | Supreme People's Court Monitor:
by Susan Finder
I recently participated in an academic conference in which one speaker discussed Chinese judicial documents (other than judicial interpretations). The speaker’s view was very critical of them…
support FTZ finance leasing companies and should respect the agreement of cross-border parties regarding jurisdiction and governing law. It states that a finance lease contract shall not be determined to be null and void because relevant procedures had not been performed.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Vicious Entrenchment Cycle: Thoughts on a Lifetime with a Republican-Controlled Court - LEDERMAN - Balkinization
Balkinization: The Vicious Entrenchment Cycle: Thoughts on a Lifetime with a Republican-Controlled Court
Pardoning war crimes dishonors the troops Andrew Exum
Monday, May 13, 2019
Outgoing Harvard faculty dean to leave Harvey Weinstein defense team // Boston Globe
Sunday, May 12, 2019
The 600 Billion Dollar China IP Echo Chamber | China IPR - Intellectual Property Developments in China
by Mark Cohen
What are the losses due to “IP Theft” from China? On a recent trip to Washington, DC, I heard the range of $300 billion to $600 billion repeated from various sources without any critical gloss. These numbers have taken on a greater legitimacy than they likely deserve, in terms of capturing the scope of US concerns, the magnitude of the loss and shaping the Trump administration’s unilateral retaliation.
Despite its refusal to place foster children with same-sex couples is Philadelphia Catholic Social Services entitled to a City contract ?
Is Catholic Social Services entitled to a City contract despite its refusal to place foster children with same-sex couples?
Philadelphia Catholic Social Services has argued that the City’s failure to award it a new contract for adoption and foster care services targets CSS for its religious beliefs. The agency refuses to place children in need with same-sex couples. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the denial of a preliminary injunction. It embraces the perspective as phrased by the ACLU lawyers for intervenor Philadelphia Family Pride that “the fact that CSS’s non-compliance with the City’s non-discrimination requirements is based on its religious beliefs does not mean that the City’s enforcement of its requirements constitutes anti-religious hostility.”
An outbreak of yellow fever in 1797 spurred the formation of what is now Catholic Social Services of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Rooted in the corporal works of mercy a principal mission of CSS is the care of vulnerable children. But what began as a voluntary mission of mercy has been transformed. Today the care of foster children is a highly regulated public service much of which is carried out by private agencies which contract with cities, towns and states. Catholic Social Services was one of thirty agencies that contracted with the City of Philadelphia for foster care services. Unable to reach an agreement with the City, the CSS contract expired. It has not been renewed.
CSS objects to the terms set by City non-discrimination law. It accepts that it is subject to governmental oversight but an element of the Roman Catholic Catechism leads it to refuse to place children in need with same sex couples. CSS will only certify foster parents who are either married or single; it will not certify cohabiting unmarried couples, and it considers all same-sex couples to be unmarried, according to the opinion of a Third Circuit panel of Judges Ambro, Scirica, and Rendell. The court affirmed the District Judge’s denial of a preliminary injunction in Fulton and Catholic Social Services v. City of Philadelphia.
There is no record of any same sex couple challenging the agency but pursuant to a 2018 City Council resolution demanding contractors comply with the Fair Practices Ordinance the City did not renew the CSS contract. The Archdiocesan agency sought “an order requiring the City to renew their contractual relationship while permitting it to turn away same-sex couples who wish to be foster parents.”
The Circuit Court asked did Philadelphia “have the authority to insist, consistent with the First Amendment and Pennsylvania law, that CSS not discriminate against same-sex couples as a condition of working with it to provide foster care services? Or, inversely, has CSS demonstrated that the City transgressed fundamental guarantees of religious liberty? At this stage and on this record, we conclude that CSS is not entitled to a preliminary injunction.”
The issue attracted a battalion of amici the list of which consumes the first several pages of the opinion. Southern and border states are countered by California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and every New England state except New Hampshire. Affiliates of many religious organizations and non-profits divide along generally familiar lines. The cultural divide in the country is amply evidenced.
Though CSS will work with homosexuals as foster parents it will only certify foster parents who are either married or single; it will not certify cohabiting unmarried couples, and it considers all same-sex couples to be unmarried.
The Catholic Church, despite a recent softening of papal tone, still holds in its catechism that homosexuality is “inherently disordered”. No one challenges its right to adhere to that doctrine. Nor does anyone assert that the Archdiocese is acting unreasonably in applying its doctrine. What is at issue is whether the City’s nondiscrimination policy is a “neutral, generally applicable law” for which CSS is not entitled to an exception. The Circuit relies on the opinion articulated by Justice Antonin Sclaia in Employment Division v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872, 877-78 (1990). The court there held that a general law forbidding the use of the hallucinogen mescaline could lawfully be applied to bar its use in a Native American spiritual ritual.
In the years since Employment Division v. Smith the nation’s cultural divides have deepened rather than abated in many respects. In this regard the Catholic Church’s traditional view has become a distinctly minority view. But that is irrelevant to the CSS claim that the City should be compelled to issue a new contract similar to the one which has expired. As in other claims under 42 USC 1983 CSS must show a causal link between its religious character and the adverse action taken. The opinion by Judge Adamo explains that “a challenger under the Free Exercise Clause must show that it was treated differently because of its religion. Put another way, it must show that it was treated more harshly than the government would have treated someone who engaged in the same conduct but held different religious views.”
In this regard the City declared its “respect [for CSS’s] sincere religious beliefs, but your freedom to express them is not at issue here where you have chosen voluntarily to partner with us in providing government-funded, secular social services.” Having lost the first round The Becket Fund which brought the litigation will certainly press the litigation. But because the City imposes the same restrictions on all its contractors CSS has failed to prove the hostility to religious expression that is required. Underlying the challenge is the view that the refusal to provide services based on a vision of sin is entitled to accommodation. But the case does not present the narrower question of whether a government agency can allow an accommodation which permits a contractor to offer services on a discriminatory basis. We have firmly decided that question in the negative regarding race, and gender. But with Anthony Kennedy in retirement it cannot be stated with confidence how the enhanced high court conservative majority will respond. Their vision of sin may lead them to the view that Free Exercise requires the City to bend.
- George Conk
May 11,2019
Gifted and Talented: The Other Segregation
Harvard Drops Harvey Weinstein Lawyer as a Faculty Dean - The New York Times

Harvard Drops Harvey Weinstein Lawyer as a Faculty Dean - The New York Times: Students in Winthrop House had called for the resignation of Robert S. Sullivan Jr., a law professor. He and his wife were the first African-American faculty deans in Harvard’s history.
This decision is troubling. Robert Sullivan is a hero lawyer, in my opinion. Closest to home for me was his role in designing and overseeing the late Brooklyn D.A. Kenneth Thompson's Conviction Review program which scrutinized convictions to find those unjustly jailed.
The decision he made to become part of the now notorious Hollywod producer's defense team provoked bitter criticism among many students. In my opinion Harvard College should have stood by Sullivan and his wife - as the law school did. - gwc
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Black and Latino players skip white house
Why Judges Need Good law Clerks - Legal Skills Prof Blog
by E. Scott Fruehwald
Monday, May 6, 2019
Over 400 former federal prosecutors say Trump committed indictable offenses
Zogby : KushnerlTrump plan is no way out. - Lobelog
Even if there is a “deal of the century” (and I’m still an agnostic on that question), we can be certain that it won’t: end the occupation of the lands seized in the 1967 War; create true Palestinian sovereignty and control over their land and resources; give Palestinians the opportunity to freely and independently conduct commerce with the outside world; recognize the rights of Palestinian refugees; or do anything to reunite the areas now called “East Jerusalem” to Palestinian control.?Finally, the “hint” that the deal will throw money at the Palestinians to “make their lives better” is as insulting as it is pointless. But then, I’m not even sure that’s real.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Protests of Harvard professor's defense in rape trial of Hollywod producer persist - Boston Globe
Ian Millhiser: DeVos ignorance reveals our basic divide about role of government
I’m honored to receive the Alexander Hamilton Award from @ManhattanInst tonight. And, as I said in my speech tonight, I will continue to honor this award’s namesake by fighting for freedom. Freedom from government. Freedom for teachers. Freedom for each one of America’s students.— Betsy DeVos (@BetsyDeVosED) May 2, 2019
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Kamala Harris presses Attorney General Barr on conflicts of interest
Of particular note to me was her pressing the A.G. on the fact that Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein participated in the decision not to charge Trump with obstruction of justice. This despite the fact that Rosenstein at Trump's request drafted a memo stating grounds to fire the FBI Director. Rosenstein was thus a principal witness in the decision to fire James Comey which Trump later said was in order to terminate the investigation of his campaign's connection to Russian hacking into the Democratic Party's computers during the 2016 presidential campaign. The lawyer-witness rule RPC 3.7 bars such participation- gwc
Complete exchange between @senkamalaharris and Attorney General William Barr.— CSPAN (@cspan) May 1, 2019
WeChat spreads misinformation re SHSAT
How Palestinians Should React To Trump’s Peace Plan – The Forward
by Hussein Ibish
***They need to be very clear that what they are saying “yes” to is any opportunity to talk with Israel and the US, but not to the substance of any such proposal. When the plan is presented, it will surely be floated with the outline of the series of talks designed to implement it. Palestinians should show up at every opportunity but make it crystal-clear that they are participating specifically to remind Israel, the United States and the whole world that both countries are already signatories to the 1993 DOP. Its framework logically leads only to a Palestinian state, and doesn’t permit several of the most pernicious recent actions, specifically the American recognition of all of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.