Wednesday, February 27, 2019
The Cohen of Silence Breaks: What to Make of Wednesday’s Testimony - Lawfare
The Cohen of Silence Breaks: What to Make of Wednesday’s Testimony - Lawfare: Despite the spectacle, Cohen’s testimony revealed a lot.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
A Harvard Law Professor Is Representing Harvey Weinstein. Students Say This Makes Them Unsafe, Demand His Resignation. - Hit & Run :

Harvey Weinstein, the former Hollywood producer and
co-owner of Miramax films has been accused of sexual misconduct by dozens of women.
He is awaiting trial for sexual assault in New York.
RPC 1.2 (b) A lawyer's representation of a client, including representation by appointment, does not constitute an endorsement of the client's political, economic, social or moral views or activities.(b) A lawyer's representation of a client, including representation by appointment, does not constitute an endorsement of the client's political, economic, social or moral views or activities.
A Harvard Law Professor Is Representing Harvey Weinstein. Students Say This Makes Them Unsafe, Demand His Resignation. - Hit & Run :
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Why Trump's Emergency Declaration is Illegal - Volokh Conspiracy :
by Ilya Somin
Monday, February 18, 2019
Seven MPs leave the U.K.’s Labour party, citing anti-Semitism – ThinkProgress
Seven MPs leave the U.K.’s Labour party, citing anti-Semitism – ThinkProgress
Sunday, February 17, 2019
2 Liberal Democrats Are Promoting A Twist On 'Medicare For All' | HuffPost
Ken Starr ~ the witch hunt NYRB
Sean Wilentz
Tribe: Pelosi has standing to sue Trump
Pushing women’s issues at the Supreme People’s Court | Supreme People's Court Monitor
China: Courts recognize new causes of action for sexual harassment and employment discrimination // Supreme People's Court
China's civil justice system has inched ahead on recognition of women's rights. The Supreme People's Court 关于增加民事案件案由的通知 (December 12, 2018 No. 344) gave notice to all courts - even the military courts - to recognize two causes of action for 1) disputes regarding right of equal employment opportunity [平等就业权纠纷] in actions based on personal dignity and 2) for harm due to sexual harassment [性骚扰损害责任] in tort actions involving educational institutions.
China's legal system is derived from the continental Codes, largely the German Civil Code which was, a century or more ago, imported via Japan. China lacks a broad, express recognition of personal civil rights as found in the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifying freedom from discrimination by race, color, sex, or national origin. But China has adopted laws that declare broad personal rights. The SPC's notice shows it is satisfied that there is an adequate basis in law for the newly recognized employment discrimination and sexual harassment actions.
The SPC presumably grounds its action in the General Principles of Civil Law (2017). That measure states at Article 109 "[t]he personal liberty and human dignity of a natural person is protected by law. [第一百零九条 自然人的人身自由、人格尊严受法律保护.] These rights are, in Article 110, specified in language drawn from the 2009 Tort Law to include "life, bodily integrity, health name, reputation, honor, and the freedom to marry. [第一百一十条 自然人享有生命权、身体权、健康权、姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权、隐私权、婚姻自主权等权利.]
The General Principles establish a right of action at Article 120 that if one's "civil law rights and interests are infringed" there is a "right to demand the tortfeasor bear tort liability". [第一百二十条 民事权益受到侵害的,被侵权人有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。]
Similarly the Labor Contract Law (2007) in Article 77 provides that if a worker's legal rights and interests are harmed there is a right to demand the relevant department to handle it according to law or demand arbitration or bring a lawsuit. [第七十七条 劳动者合法权益受到侵害的,有权要求有关部门依法处理,或者依法申请仲裁、提起诉讼。]
This action assures that Courts will accept filings in such cases. [China's courts had long stymied change by not accepting for filing cases that did not fit into recognized categories or that pose special management problems. In 2014 the Communist Party's Central Committee directed that failures to accept cases for filing must change. A new filing and registration system was adopted by the legislature and a plan went into effect in May 2015. By December 2016 the Supreme People's court announced great progress had been made in that regard.]
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Goldsmith on the emergency
These are not “whataboutism” points. I am not saying Trump’s emergency proclamation is just like past ones—it is not. I have not yet done a serious enough legal analysis to determine whether what Trump has done is lawful or unlawful. Nor have I done adequate analysis to determine whether Trump’s emergency proclamation combines precedents in ways that are more threatening to the constitutional order than the precedents themselves, though I tentatively do not believe it does. Nor am I saying Trump’s action will or should be upheld by courts
I simply wish to put Trump’s actions in context by emphasizing these points: (1) Congress has delegated enormous power to the president and given him enormous effective discretion about how to spend funds; (2) presidents have for many, many decades viewed these delegations expansively, especially in contexts touching on foreign relations, and in those contexts courts almost always agree; (3) the president’s statutory emergency powers are not materially different from other delegated powers that presidents have construed broadly and that courts have almost always upheld; (4) finding imaginative ways to act to achieve important public policies on which a president was elected, in the face of a recalcitrant Congress, is what modern presidents do, often to celebratory applause.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
William Barr’s Remarkable Non-Commitments About the Mueller Report - Lawfare
William Barr’s Remarkable Non-Commitments About the Mueller Report - Lawfare
by Jack Goldsmith and Maddie McMahon
Monday, February 11, 2019
Louisiana Supreme Court Disbars Attorney For Anonymous Online Posts – Legal Ethics in Motion
by Michael Zilber, Editor - Legal Ethics in Motion
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Is Threatening To Publish Bezos' Nude/Lewd Pics Criminal Blackmail? - Volokh Conspiracy :
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Yale Law Journal - An American Approach to Social Democracy: The Forgotten Promise of the Fair Labor Standards Act
John Dingell: My last words for America - The Washington Post
As John Dingell (D-MI), the longest serving member of Congress lay on his death bed - knowing the moment to be just that - he dictated a farewell message to his wife Rep. Deborah Dingell. Read it.
John Dingell: My last words for America - The Washington Post: February 7, 2019
Much as I have found Twitter to be a useful means of expression, some occasions merit more than 280 characters.
Friday, February 8, 2019
Torts Today: Louisiana can deny death row man his Imam - SCOTUS
18A815 Dunn v. Ray (02/07/2019)
Hakim Ray, facing death wanted his imam with him a the moment of death. Alabama offered him a Christian minister. The 11th Circuit granted a stay to hear the religious freedom argument. The Supreme Court 5-4 vacated the stay of execution. “A court may consider the last-minute nature of an application to stay execution in deciding whether to grant equitable relief.” Really.
Elena Kagan dissents, saying
Why couldn’t Ray’s imam receive whatever training in execution protocol the Christian chaplain received? The State has no answer. Why wouldn’t it be sufficient for the imam to pledge, under penalty of contempt, that he will not interfere with the State’s ability to perform the execution? The State doesn’t say. The only evidence the State has offered is a conclusory affidavit stating that its policy “is the least restrictive means of furthering” its interest in safety and security. That is not enough to support a denominational preference.
Supreme Court's Domineque Ray Ruling -- SCOTUS Upholds a Grave Violation of the First Amendment | National Review
by David French
Ray’s execution was just. The circumstances were not. The state’s obligation is to protect and facilitate the free exercise of a person’s faith, not to seek reasons to deny him consolation at the moment of his death.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Closing the Gap in Judicial Ethics
Monday, February 4, 2019
Trumpist judges prep ‘get out of racism free’ card – ThinkProgress
It's about time someone stood up for the most oppressed people in the country -- white Republican elected officials.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Balkinization: Hardball, Again
Israel: A Regime of Discrimination
A comparative study I conducted for Rabbis for Human Rights, which sought to rank discriminatory regimes globally, concluded that Israel’s rule over the West Bank is the third-most discriminatory regime in the world today.
The study (Hebrew) analyzes cases of institutional discrimination and aims at opening up a relatively new and potentially more effective understanding of the issue at hand. By comparing the situations in various regimes around the world, the study analyzes and compares the treatment of minorities in terms of: legal status, political opportunities, and suffrage (i.e. the right to vote and be elected or, in non-democratic regimes, the option of gaining senior positions in the political establishment), the right to freedom of movement and the freedom to live anywhere in the country, and the allocation of resources.