Monday, May 29, 2017

Ken Burns and Lynn Novick: Vietnam’s Unhealed Wounds - The New York Times

Film maker Ken Burns's history of the Vietnam will come out on PBS in the fall.  We lost five classmates in the Vietnam war.  My memories and thoughts are the same as my classmate and fellow PCV Bill Byrne. I think Ken Burns nails it. The corrosion of trust which plagues us today ~ and which elected the cynic DJT ~ can largely be traced to the catastrophe we inflicted on Vietnam.
The tragedy of Vietnam is not just the 58,000 American dead in  an unnecessary war, but the horrific suffering we inflicted on the Vietnamese.

Same for the Iraq war, which, unlike Vietnam, was not fought by a conscript army.
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick: Vietnam’s Unhealed Wounds - The New York Times
by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
On April 23, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford delivered an address at Tulane University in New Orleans. As the president spoke, more than 100,000 North Vietnamese troops were approaching Saigon, having overrun almost all of South Vietnam in just three months. Thirty years after the United States first became involved in Southeast Asia and 10 years after the Marines landed at Danang, the ill-fated country for which more than 58,000 Americans had died was on the verge of defeat.
“We, of course, are saddened indeed by the events in Indochina,” the president told the crowd. The United States could soon “regain the sense of pride that existed before Vietnam,” he said, but only if we “stop refighting the battles and the recriminations of the past.” The time had come, the president concluded, “to unify, to bind up the nation’s wounds” and “begin a great national reconciliation.” Just seven days later, North Vietnamese tanks smashed through the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon. The Vietnam War was over.
It’s been more than 40 years now, and despite Ford’s optimism, we have been unable to put that war behind us. As one Army veteran, Phil Gioia, told us, “The Vietnam War drove a stake right into the heart of America.”
For more than a generation, instead of forging a path to reconciliation, we have allowed the wounds the war inflicted on our nation, our politics and our families to fester. The troubles that trouble us today — alienation, resentment and cynicism; mistrust of our government and one another; breakdown of civil discourse and civic institutions; conflicts over ethnicity and class; lack of accountability in powerful institutions — so many of these seeds were sown during the Vietnam War.

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