Tuesday, October 11, 2011

David Brooks: Bard of the 1%

More proof that west coast bloggers have it easy. Just wait til 9 PM Pacific (midnight eastern) when the new David Brooks column comes out and then take a baseball bat to it. - GWC
David Brooks: Bard of the 1 Percent | MyFDL:
by Dean Baker
"David Brooks delved deep into his storage locker of misinformation to tell readers that the idea of blaming the richest 1 Percent for the country’s problems is just silly. He told us that the really big ideas aren’t about reversing the upward redistribution of income from the top, they are from centrists who want to do things like cut our Social Security and make us pay more for health care. Let’s have some fun with Mr. One Percent.

First he begins his piece by telling us:
The U.S. economy is probably going to stink for a few more years. It is beset by short-term problems (low consumer demand, uncertain housing prices, too much debt) and long-term problems (wage stagnation, rising health care costs, eroding human capital).
Realistically, not much is going to be done to address the short-term problems, but we can at least use this winter of recuperation to address the country’s underlying structural ones.
In other words, Brooks wants all those people who are unemployed and losing their homes to just suck it up. Nothing is going to be done to help you: get over it."

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