Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Massachusetts voters fail in Senate race

“I’m hoping that it gives a message to the country,” said Marlene Connolly, 73, of North Andover, a lifelong Democrat who said she cast her first vote for a Republican on Tuesday. “I think if Massachusetts puts Brown in, it’s a message of ‘that’s enough.’ Let’s stop the giveaways and let’s get jobs going.”
Appalling is what I have to say for the voters of Massachusetts.  To replace Ted Kennedy with a militant opponent of health care reform?  What motivates them?  We have health insurance - why should we pay for them? What kept minority turnout low?  Short-sightedness.  Labor?  More of the same. Democrats on the left whose complaint was the health care bill didn't go far enough.  And didn't vote in high numbers?

Whatever it is, the voters lost the election, set the country back, energized the wrong forces.  Those who call themselves progressive need to grow up and recognize how complicated it all is, how fearful people are, and re-commit themselves to the fight.  Did they think change would be easy?

On the big question: the House should approve the Senate bill.  Let the majority rule.

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