Wednesday, August 5, 2015

President Obama explains Iran Agreement

Iran is a large, advanced country. It has signed the nuclear non-proliferation agreement. It has agreed to dismantle thousands of centrifuges that can be used to make bomb material. Only one thing can stop Iran from challenging the Israeli regional nuclear monopoly: self interest. In this case the need to trade. Iran has agreed to controls that last over 25 years - after negotiations with the U.S., France, Britain, Germany, Russia, and China. Only Israel and the Republican Party stand opposed. - gwc
President Obama defends Iran deal at American University (video)
Text of American University Speech

It's either Iran deal or `some sort of war' Obama Argues
by Julie Hirschfeld Davis //NY Times

WASHINGTON — President Obama took on critics of the nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers in an aggressive speech on Wednesday, saying they were the same people who created the “drumbeat of war” and played on public fears to push the United States into the Iraq war more than a decade ago.
“Let’s not mince words: The choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy and some sort of war — maybe not tomorrow, maybe not three months from now, but soon,” Mr. Obama told about 200 people in a speech at American University. “How can we in good conscience justify war before we’ve tested a diplomatic agreement that achieves our objectives?”
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