Wednesday, May 28, 2014

North Carolina GOPers Catch 'Convention Of The States' Fever

This sort of thing complicates my suggestion that we delete the Second Amendment. - gwc
North Carolina GOPers Catch 'Convention Of The States' Fever:
by Eric Lach
A group of Republican state legislators in North Carolina on Tuesday introduced a bill that would, if passed, establish a committee to study whether the state should apply to Congress for a "convention of the states" under Article V of the Constitution.
The convention the lawmakers have in mind would propose amendments imposing "fiscal restraints" on the federal government, limiting its "power and jurisdiction" as well as the "terms of office for its officials and members of Congress."
The bill's four primary sponsors are state Reps. Bert Jones, Chris Millis, Dennis Riddell, and Jim Fulghum -- all Republicans. The bill itself, the text of which is only a page long, argues that the federal government has "created a crushing national debt through improper and imprudent spending," "invaded the legitimate roles of the states through the manipulative process of federal mandates," and "ceased to exist under a proper interpretation of the Constitution of the United States."

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