Saturday, August 13, 2011

Voices Faulting G.O.P. Economic Policies Growing Louder -

 “We were not elected to raise taxes or take more money out of the pockets of hardworking families and business people.” - Eric Cantor, Republican Majority Leader, August 2011
“I think the U.S. has every chance of having a good year next year, but the politicians are doing their damnedest to prevent it from happening — the Republicans are — and the Democrats to my eternal bafflement have not stood their ground,” Ian C. Shepherdson, chief United States economist for High Frequency Economics, a research firm, said in an interview.
You have to hope voices like Shepherdson's will grow louder - and embolden the President who is now "fighting the wimp factor" as Newsweek once said of the decidedly un-wimpy George H.W. Bush.  But Obama is in a deeper hole than Bush the elder was when he lost to "it's the economy, stupid" Bill Clinton.  It may already be too late but Obama needs to find a vision to fight for and that American believe he will go to the mat for.  And time is running short. - GWC
Voices Faulting G.O.P. Economic Policies Growing Louder -

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