Friday, July 22, 2011

A plain blog about politics: Why Republicans Will Lose the Debt Limit Battle (more than the Democrats will lose)

Jonathan Bernstein can count votes and does, so his analyses are helpful. - GWC
A plain blog about politics: Why Republicans Will Lose the Debt Limit Battle (more than the Democrats will lose): "So the talks are broken down again. It's not exactly a surprise; the odds have always been good that any deal, whether it's a Grand Bargain or something like the clean McConnell that gives the GOP only symbolic gains, will happen at the last minute. Remember, almost all of what we're seeing is either bargaining, spin, or some other form of posturing or misinformation. That's not bad -- but it is what it is, and there's no point in pretending that it's anything else.

Meanwhile, in a post over at the other place earlier today, I pointed out that the eventual deal, should there be one (and sooner or later there will be some sort of deal) will wind up a lot closer to the Democrats’ ideal position than to the GOP perfect spot. I owe an explanation for that, so here it is, in three parts."

1 comment:

  1. Nice thought. I agree that the Republicans will lose more than the Democrats if Congress doesn't lift the debt ceiling. After all, only the Republicans are threatening not to raise it if they don't get their way in the budget negotiations.

    If they don't raise it and the U.S. cannot pay all its bills and Social Security checks are not mailed, do you think the members of Congress should receive their U.S. paychecks?

    I have a blog post on this subject at
